What if I told you that you had a hidden power that you can use at any moment to travel to any destination that you want and not have to spend any of your own money doing it. In fact imagine also not only travelling there, but doing it in style.

In this blog post I’m going to share with you how this hidden mind trick that only the ultra rich have had access to for generations is now being used by everyday people just like you and I.

I promise if you read all of this article and study it to the best of your ability, you will uncover secrets to travel the world in style.

Let me tell you a quick story how I discovered this secret travel hack.

I used to be this struggling father who looked at wealthy people with disgust while people like me scrambled for the bread crumbs of life. I was working an $8/hr job at The Source selling electronics at the mall. I worked long hours and barely made enough money to scrape by.

I wanted a better life for myself and my family. I thought if I worked really hard at my job that I can work my way up the corporate ladder and things would finally get better. I tried and tried and tried and my life didn’t get better at all.

I thought about going back to school and maybe getting a higher education but I didn’t have the patience for this plan and also do not enjoy the thought of studying for 4 years for another job.

That’s when I found this idea of the law of attraction. I watched this documentary called The Secret where it talked about this ancient trick of using your mind to attract the things you want in life. I ended up buying the book as well and read it during my breaks at work.

I decided to do what it was saying to do.

I started small by thinking about a coffee and sure enough a friend randomly stopped by and got me a coffee.

I thought it was just coincidence.

Then I thought about a certain friend and all of sudden I got a message from that certain friend.

I thought what the heck is going on here. Does this stuff really work.

So I decided to go BIG and think of a Lamborghini. Nothing.

Hmmm What the heck why didn’t it work. Everything else did.

I went back to studying to figure it all out and discovered I was missing a very crucial piece to this law of attraction stuff. I named it a process I call “Identity Shifting”.

Once I put the Identity shifting to work for me, I started to attract all kinds of things. Things I really wanted.

For example, I was about 7 days away from needing to pay for rent and I had nothing at all coming to me to be sure I can do it. I used Identity shifting and when I checked my mailbox I had $6,000 cheque waiting for me.

I’m a person who loves to travel and I don’t want to pay for it. I used Identity shifting to:

  • Travel to Nunavut for Free, hotels paid for, food paid for and got an extra $2,500
  • Travel to Montreal for Free, Hotels paid for, food paid for and got paid $1,500
  • Travel to Toronto for Free, Hotels paid for, Food Paid for and got paid $1,000
  • Travel to the SuperBowl in Phoenix, Hotels paid for, food paid for and sat in $15,000 seats for free
  • Travel to Japan for Free, Hotels, paid for, food paid for and $3,000
  • Travel to London England for free, hotels paid for, food paid for and $3,000
  • Travel to Paris France, hotels paid for, food paid for, and $3,000

I can honestly go on and on. I used Identity Shifting to get into my dream home, have an amazing family full of experiences and live life now full of abundance.

Identity shifting brought all this amazing things to me and I broke it down into the ultimate formula.

Beliefscaping + Visual Processing + Serving = Identity Shifting

Here is 3 Secrets to Implementing The Identity Shift Formula

Secret #1 – You don’t attract what you want, you attract who are.

Secret #2- Increase who you are through lofty questions.

Secret #3 – Increase who you are by reading, audios, and surrounding yourself with good people.

If you do these 3 things you will absolutely transform yourself into a new person. This new person will be able to absolutely crush it in life and you will get everything and anything that you want in life.

This is life of abundance.

If you are ready to change your life, I got a free Identity Shift Mastery to Help You On Your Journey.