Pig & Dog Token has arrived in the Animal Farm but how do you buy Pig & Dog Token in the Animal Farm?

In this article I will share with you the correct Pig & Dog Addresses so you don’t get rekked when buying this asset for yourself.

How to Buy Dog Token in the Animal Farm

DogsToken: 0xDBdC73B95cC0D5e7E99dC95523045Fc8d075Fb9e

Above is the token address for the Dog Token. What you will have to do is go to Pancake Swap or PooCoin and you will swap your BNB Coins for Dog Token.

You will have to click on the bottom coin, in this case the picture shows “Cake” and you will need to change that to the “Dog” Token.

Here is where you will paste in the Dog Token Address and now you will be able to buy Dog Token with Pancake Swap.

How to Buy Pig Token in The Animal Farm

Pigs Token: 0x3A4C15F96B3b058ab3Fb5FAf1440Cc19E7AE07ce

This is going to be the same process as the Dog Token. Instead though you will paste in the Pig Token into the coin address and you will be able to buy the Pig Token.

What To Do With Dog & Pig Token in The Animal Farm

Now you can go and stake the Pig Token into the Pig Pen and earn BUSD rewards. This is a huge way for a person to earn daily passive income.

With Dog Token you can use it for farming more PIG tokens or staking Dog Token and getting Pig Rewards. The more pig token you have, the more BUSD rewards you will get.

First thing you want to do is click on the link below to get to the Animal Farm.

When you get to The Animal Farm, you will now connect your wallet.

Then You can Buy The Pig & Dog Token at Pancake Swap

These are the links you need so far just to get going with the Animal Farm.

I hope this article was useful for you.

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Talk soon,

Patrick Mitsuing
