abundance Archives - Crypto Millionaire https://patrickmitsuing.com/tag/abundance/ Easy Crypto Cash Flow Wed, 14 Jun 2023 06:39:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 21454201 Poverty to Abundance https://patrickmitsuing.com/poverty-to-abundance/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=poverty-to-abundance Wed, 14 Jun 2023 06:39:07 +0000 https://patrickmitsuing.com/poverty-to-abundance/ It is your God given right to be abundant. In this post I will share with you the secrets to being abundance by revealing the truth. The truth that there is no poverty, only abundance. That might be hard to believe at first until you start understanding the truth that you are abundance. So let’s […]

The post Poverty to Abundance appeared first on Crypto Millionaire.

It is your God given right to be abundant.

In this post I will share with you the secrets to being abundance by revealing the truth. The truth that there is no poverty, only abundance.

That might be hard to believe at first until you start understanding the truth that you are abundance.

So let’s get started.

The Roadblocks to Abundance

Why are you not in abundance already?

The simple answer is programming.

You were literally programmed to not see the truth that you are abundance.

The programming started from this:

  • School
  • Television
  • Parents
  • Friends
  • Songs
  • News
  • Media
  • Books
  • Family
  • Movies
  • Experience
  • Information

All the experiences and information you’ve been exposed to has caused you to believe that life is hard and that to experience good is hard as well.

From the list above it caused you to believe in some or all of this.

  • You need a degree to make a lot of money
  • You need to be talented to make a lot of money
  • You need to come from a rich family to get more
  • You need to win the lottery to get rich
  • Money is the root of all evil
  • Money changes you
  • You need to know the right people to make a lot of money
  • Rich people are crooked
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • Rich people probably did something bad to get it
  • Rich are snobby
  • You have to be lucky to get rich
  • You have to be smart to get rich
  • You have to be good looking to be rich
  • Rich people are stingy
  • Rich people show off

Honestly the list can go on.

These beliefs are actually keeping people from actually getting rich themselves. The truth is these can be true but also they can be so far from the truth as well.

The Remedy for Abundance

Now you should go through the list and see if any of the list are beliefs that you have inherited.

Now it’s time to do some research.

Find rich people with a lot of abundance that do the exact opposite of the bad negative belief.

There are countless stories of good millionaires and billionaires that do amazing things for people, community, and the world.

There are rich people that are so friendly and kind. That actually love to enhance life and help people around the world.

This will help change your negative beliefs about money and abundance.

Once you can change the beliefs, you should be able to start attracting more to you instantly.

Then you will get closer to the truth that all there is is abundance.

Start being okay with the idea of yourself with a lot of money and abundance.

See how that makes you feel saying that out loud or even picturing yourself with a lot of money and abundance.

Once your okay to see yourself in your mind with money and abundance and say it out loud without any tension or negative thoughts, you know you started a better relationship with money and wealth and abundance.

Getting this relationship good is one the first key steps.

The truth that there is only abundance

The universe itself is all abundance

How many stars are there? Trillions.

How much space is out there. Unfathomable.

New stars are constantly being created.

Quantum physics says there’s infinite versions of this reality as well.

There’s so much abundance.

That is the truth.

You are part of this abundance.

Most people think in scarcity.

They think like a pizza.

If someone grabs a slice a pizza, it only leaves so many slices left. If someone gets more it leaves less for others.

That is not true in terms of abundance.

There’s a quote that says.

From Abundance, he took abundance and abundance remained.

The abundant person knows if the took a slice of pizza that another full pizza will show up beside the pizza he took a slice from.

There is only abundance.

If you are walking in the woods and saw an ant pile.

You saw the ants and they got everything they need.

But because you are higher and can cover more ground you can see all the food and land that they can’t see.

You know that if they were to explore where you are that there is an abundance of everything they need in all directions.

The ant doesn’t see this but still is getting everything they need.

Humans can’t see that there is abundance all around them at all times.

Unless you get to a higher vibration you will start to know that all there is is abundance.

It’s just like you seeing the ants from above.

The Real Truth Further

Now let’s get deeper.

Science they say that energy is everything. Energy is in all things and is everywhere.

Theology says that God is everything in all things and is everywhere.

That means you are energy. You are God.

You are a spirit that has the power of all that is.

Because of this truth means you can create and manifest anything you ever want.

You have the power of a god or energy that is everything.

The way you use this power is with:

  • Your thoughts
  • Your thoughts create vibrations (emotions)
  • These vibrations create actions.

These actions you do create the movement of things to move into place to manifest towards you when you do things in a certain way.

This is as far as we will go today about abundance. Let’s continue tomorrow.

The post Poverty to Abundance appeared first on Crypto Millionaire.
